Mayor Mark Sutcliffe | A 2024 City Budget for a safer, more reliable, and more affordable Ottawa


A 2024 City Budget for a safer, more reliable, and more affordable Ottawa

I’ve knocked on thousands of doors and attended hundreds of events in every part of our enormous city. What I’ve heard over and over again is that you want us to fix your roads and sidewalks. You want better public transit. You want more recreation centres and parks for your families. And you want us to support the most vulnerable.

We have to invest in priority areas but we also have to be fiscally responsible. We must use our resources wisely, especially at a time of economic uncertainty. And we must not add to the financial burden of our residents with big increases in taxes and fees.

I believe very deeply in a balanced approach. And I think this budget reflects that. It moves us significantly and progressively toward a safer, more reliable, more affordable city for everyone.

Here are 5 things in the 2024 City budget that will make Ottawa safer, more reliable, and more affordable.

Here are 5 more things in the 2024 City budget that will make Ottawa safer, more reliable, and more affordable. 

I believe in a balanced approach. The 2024 City budget will help make Ottawa safer, more reliable, and more affordable. 

We all want a city that is safe and reliable. That’s why we are moving up the start of the Greenbank Road realignment.

This space is about to be something really special. The 2024 City budget will allow the construction of a new recreation complex in Riverside South. Here’s an example of what we are doing to deliver better facilities in our rapidly growing neighbourhoods.

Ottawa residents want better roads and sidewalks. The 2024 City Budget will do just that. It will invest more than $100 million dollars in upgrading infrastructure. 

I've heard so often from residents over the past year who want better recreation facilities for their families. The 2024 City budget will do just that.

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