Mayor Mark Sutcliffe | Heroes of Ottawa

Heroes of Ottawa

Ottawa is a city that cares, that volunteers, a city where people look out for each other. It's a city full of everyday heroes. Do you know a #HeroesofOttawa? Let me know. Send me an email with the subject line "Heroes of Ottawa" to


Peter Roy-Smith

In 2022, Fire Station 12's crew received an urgent call that a construction worker was stranded at the top of a 200-foot crane in medical distress. Peter Roy-Smith, a seasoned firefighter with years of experience, was among the first to respond. 

The construction worker was experiencing a seizure nearly 20 stories above ground. With precision and a calm resolve, Peter and his team quickly got to work, scaling the crane and then engineering ropes and pulleys in mid-air to bring the construction worker back to the ground, safely, to receive urgent medical care. The rescue was a success, and Peter’s heroism that day saved a life.

In recognition of his exceptional courage, bravery, and leadership as a member of the Rope and Confined Spaces Special Ops Team with the Ottawa Fire Service, I had the distinct honour of presenting Peter with a Mayoral Letter of Commendation. The commendation is a symbol of our deep appreciation for the extraordinary bravery and dedication that Peter, along with all our emergency workers, demonstrate daily.

This story is just one of many that highlight Ottawa’s heroes in our community. Thanks to Peter and his colleagues, Ottawa’s residents can rest a little easier, knowing that there are individuals ready to step up and protect them at a moment’s notice.


Meaghan Ciotti

Meaghan Ciotti, an off-duty nurse, found herself in an unexpected situation when she came upon a vehicle at the intersection of Iris and Greenbank. The vehicle was enroute to the hospital, but the trip quickly and unexpectedly turned into a road-side delivery. Meaghan noticed the car and a frantic individual outside.  

“OMG thank goodness you’re here,” he says as Meaghan explains she’s a nurse and offers her assistance. Inside, a woman was in active labour. Without hesitation, Meaghan sprang into action, drawing on her training and an impressive sense of calm amidst the chaos. Meaghan guided the woman through her labour, playing an essential role in the birth of her baby boy. 

That’s the power of nurses. They are trained - wired perhaps - to notice everything going on around them. Meaghan's calmness and quick thinking ensured that the birth unfolded smoothly, despite the unconventional setting. Paramedics arrived to find the mother and baby boy in stable condition. 

Thank you, Meaghan, for your quick action and support of this woman in her delivery, and for the reminder that here in Ottawa, heroes walk among us. #TeamOttawa is so lucky to have you among our #HeroesofOttawa.  

Mme Alice

Alice Chatelain

Mme Alice Chatelain has been a devoted #TeamOttawa volunteer for over 50 years. Throughout her life, Alice has dedicated herself to serving the francophone community of Ottawa Vanier, where she also raised her six children. Alice's longest standing commitment has been with the Centre d'accueil Champlain (CAC) where she's been volunteering since 1977.  

Over the last 47 yearsat CAC, Alice has taken on numerous roles, including treasurer, president of the Association des auxiliaires du Centre d'accueil Champlain, and president of the pastoral care manager. Beyond these official roles, Alice has touched the lives of the senior francophone residents with her personal and compassionate care. From assisting with feeding residents, to providing palliative care, to fundraising and hosting day programs, Alice has spent decades enhancing the well-being of the CAC residents.

Alice has made a lasting impact on countless Vanier residents as long-term director of Club Optimiste de Vanier, Director of the Administration Committee for Vanier Community Services Centre, and a member of the Vanier community association. Her impactful contributions have earned her numerous awards including the City of Ottawa Civic Merit Award, Certificate of merit for Rideau Vanier, Outstanding Caregiver at Canada Cares Caregiver Awards, Sovereign’s Medal (Governor General of Canada medal) for volunteers, and Femmes remarquables Ottawa.  

Alice's commitment to the francophone community of Vanier has enriched the lives of so many. Her extensive volunteer work and impressive accolades are a testament to her impact that is felt across the community. Thank you, Alice, for supporting our senior francophone residents at the CAC, and for championing the Vanier community for almost 50 years. 


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Bill Staubi

Bill was a 24-year-old grad student when he first started collecting art.

Over forty years, he’s acquired over one thousand pieces, many of them from new and emerging artists. Bill has actively invested in the arts community for decades, supporting queer and equity-seeking artists. He often supporting artists in the early stages of their careers - offering validation and resources and encouragement to explore their artistic voice. It was a real pleasure to present Bill with the Victor Tolgesy award for his important efforts in championing our local arts community at the Ottawa Arts Council Awards.

His passion for collecting art is matched by the many years he’s dedicated to the 2SLGBTQIA+ arts, cinema and not-for-profit sectors in Ottawa. Bill supports Ottawa’s queer community through his involvement with the former Pink Triangle Service, The University of Western Ontario Pride Library, Bruce House, and the Ottawa Senior Pride Network.

Bill has collected over 1,300 artworks by local creators, and recently donated over 100 pieces to the City of Ottawa.

This donation includes the Village Legacy Project portrait series of more than 40 queer icons, activists, rebels and heroes. Each portrait reflects members of the community and pioneering activists who made significant early contributions to the Ottawa 2SLGBTQIA+ community from the 1970s to the 1990s.

You can see copies of these portraits walking along Bank Street between Nepean and James.

When considering a new acquisition, Staubi is guided by principles of equity and inclusion, often asking himself: “who is missing, whose voice am I not hearing?”  

Thank you, Bill. Ottawa’s vibrant and inclusive art community would not look the same without you.


Kenneth Campbell and Gelila Geremew

Kenneth Campbell and Gelila Geremew have dedicated their careers to helping individuals and families of African and Caribbean descent in our city. Through the non-profit organization Jaku Konbit, they champion our community by offering workshops, tutoring, summer camps, senior outreach, and more, fostering economic and civic participation for all of #TeamOttawa.

Kenneth and Gelila believe in the strength of diversity. Jaku Konbit's approach blends cultural enrichment with essential services, emphasizing that confidence in one's identity is the key to success. By connecting entrepreneurs with established community and business leaders, they're paving the way for Ottawa's youth of African and Caribbean descent to thrive in the city's business landscape.

Gelila was recently presented the Black History Ottawa's Youth Leadership Award for her volunteer work with Jaku Konbit, the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities and more.

"The goal is a better Ottawa for everyone, and we all have a role to play." Kenneth and Gelila, your community-building efforts are commendable. On behalf of #TeamOttawa, thank you for uplifting, connecting, and supporting our city's diverse communities.

To learn more about Jaku Konbit, visit their website: Jaku Konbit – Building Our Community Together


Lauren Bays

Lauren's journey began in a terrible situation, but she persevered, leaving an abusive domestic relationship behind. Moving to Ottawa, Harmony House became her refuge, offering the crucial shelter, resources, and care that helped her to break free. Today, Lauren stands on the other side, dedicating her efforts to supporting people who, like her, need the support and tools to escape similar situations.

Escaping domestic violence is no easy feat, and Lauren's story underscores the immense difficulty of this path. Her experience, knowledge, and strength have now become guidance for others. We salute Lauren for her selfless commitment to her community.

"It helps my clients that I've been in their shoes. I hope they think that if I can do it, they can do it."

It's heroes like Lauren who make #TeamOttawa such an amazing team. Congratulations on beginning your Master of Social Work at Carleton University, we have no doubt that you will continue to do amazing things in our community.

If you or someone you know is in a violent situation, Harmony House has a safe place to meet and discuss how to safely exit, and what documents you should prepare. You can contact Harmony House at their new outreach office at 613-608-1499 or at

Johhny camp

Johnny Berhanemeskel 

Ottawa native Johnny Berhanemeskel, who now plays professional basketball in France, credits #TeamOttawa for getting him to where he is today:

"I'm personally very indebted to the Ottawa community because of how much they've helped me. I want to be a part of helping the next kid."

Johnny Berhanemeskel became University of Ottawa's all-time leading scorer before playing professional basketball in Estonia, Ukraine, and recently landing in France.

This summer he was back at Lester B. Pearson Catholic High School to start the Johnny Basketball camp for #TeamOttawa kids.

Johnny’s personal goal of his camp was simple: to repay the kindness and support he received from the Ottawa community throughout his journey. Johnny’s priority was first to make the camp affordable and accessible for all kids. That way he could give kids a way to get involved at a time when kids need it the most.

He goes above and beyond for his campers, even replacing sneakers whenever needed. Johnny has shared more than basketball skills with his campers. He’s imparted perseverance and kindness.

Thank you, Johnny for giving back to your community, and inspiring the next generation of #TeamOttawa kids. Good luck this season with BCM Gravelines-Dunkerque.

Vahid Peiman Heroes of Ottawa

Vahid Peiman 

Here’s another #HeroesofOttawa. On a routine day Mr. Vahid Peiman picked up an elderly passenger in his taxi. Mr. Peiman was confused when the passenger asked him to let him out 10 km away from his destination. The elderly passenger revealed he did not have enough money for the full fare. Mr. Peiman did not charge him the fare and gave him funds to get him through the next month.

“I don’t want you to ever feel stuck, so you call me if you are ever stuck, and I will help you as much as I can.”

The elderly passenger did call, and Mr. Peiman did help. They remain friends to this day.

Thank you Mr. Vahid Peiman, for showing compassion, respect, and for lending a hand to someone in need.

Greg Antoine 2

Jaxon and Greg Antoine 

Greg Antoine's life took an unexpected turn this July, due to a mountain biking accident. His young son, Jaxon, displayed remarkable courage and quick thinking. In the midst of a stressful situation, seven-year-old Jaxon dialed 911 after retrieving his father's phone from his pocket, all the while ensuring not to move his dad to prevent exacerbating his injuries. Due to Jaxon's quick thinking, Greg was brought to the Ottawa Civic hospital where he received life-saving care. Greg and his family are now navigating the road to recovery as Greg faces paralysis from the chest down. Despite the challenges ahead, Greg's resilience shines through as he embarks on a road to recovery, with the support of his wife Brittany and their two children. Jaxon's bravery stands as an inspiration to us all, highlighting the strength and importance of family in the face of adversity.

A GoFundMe campaign has been started to offer support to Greg and his family: Fundraiser for Brittany Antoine by Olympus Canada : Support the family of Greg Antoine (

Hugh Campbell

Hugh Campbell

Here’s another #HeroesofOttawa. When a fire ignited in his neighbour’s backyard last May, Hugh Campbell didn’t hesitate. With quick thinking and resourcefulness, he swiftly doused the flames using a planter and water from his pool. Mr. Campbell displayed remarkable ingenuity. Your neighbour, the Ottawa Fire Services and #TeamOttawa thank you.

Brandon 6

Brandon Peacock

In 2020 Brandon Peacock courageously put himself in harm's way to save a woman’s life. Brandon was getting a haircut when someone driving by opened fire. Brandon was shot 3 times as he protected a fellow bystander. Doctors didn’t know if he would survive or walk again due to the injuries. The odds were against him – but through his determination, rigorous training, and rehabilitation, Brandon completed a marathon a year later. Brandon then founded the organization Hit The Ground Running which helps other trauma survivors get access to the resources they need to reach their new 100%. Thank you, Brandon, for your bravery and selflessness. You are a crucial member of #HeroesofOttawa.

Consider a donation today: Hit The Ground Running - Supporting Trauma Survivors (


Khai Skebo

19 year old Khai Skebo, who is currently taking the Pre-Service Firefighting Program, was on the Cumberland Ferry when he saw a boater in distress. Khai immediately jumped off the ferry, swam to the drowning boater, pulled him on board and began performing first aid and checking his vitals. Thank you Khai! Your bravery and quick action saved their life. We are grateful to have you among the #HeroesofOttawa.


Geoff Wall

In memory of his daughter Morgan, Geoff Wall started an annual car wash alongside his firefighter colleagues. Over the past 12 years 'Team Morgan' has raised more than $300,000 for children's cancer research at CHEO. Geoff Wall, Martin Herde, Gary Shaver, Bernardo Venditti, and Trevor O'Grady, you are #HeroesofOttawa.

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