Mayor Mark Sutcliffe | Lansdowne 2.0


Lansdowne 2.0


Lansdowne Park belongs to the people of Ottawa, to all the people of Ottawa. We’ve owned this property for more than 175 years, going back to before Confederation, before Ottawa had been chosen as Canada’s capital, before we had electricity, the experimental farm, the University of Ottawa, before our population had hit even 25,000.

Unfortunately, previous councils let Lansdowne slide backwards. They didn’t invest in this important community asset and it eventually became a giant parking lot with crumbling stands and aging infrastructure.

I heard from many residents that they wanted to see better public space, that the residential towers were too tall, and that the increase in density was too great. I felt that the plan needed to be improved.

After I became Mayor, staff undertook a significant public consultation process and review of the proposal. I can tell you that thousands of hours have gone into this work.

What you see today responds to this public input. It reflects what our residents are asking for and it charts a path for an even better Lansdowne Park.

One of the biggest changes is that we’ve removed the third tower between the Aberdeen Pavilion and the north-side stands. And we’ve redesigned the two remaining residential properties to reflect community and Urban Design Review Panel input.

This significantly reduces density on the site, it makes sure the new development doesn’t overshadow Aberdeen, and it also opens up a significant amount of public space.

With this new residential development also comes a significant investment in the city’s affordable and supportive housing strategy.

To find out more visit: Lansdowne 2.0


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