Maire Mark Sutcliffe | Que signifie pour vous le transfert du TLR ?


Que signifie pour vous le transfert du TLR ?

J'ai travaillé fort pour améliorer le transport en commun, relever les défis financiers systémiques et réduire les risques pour les contribuables. La promesse des dirigeants provinciaux de transférer le train léger d'Ottawa change la donne et permettra aux contribuables de la ville d'économiser des milliards de dollars tout en garantissant que les décisions relatives au transport en commun sont toujours prises à l'échelle locale.

When I ran for Mayor in 2022, like many Ottawa residents I was frustrated by the state of public transit, particularly light rail. Ottawa taxpayers were investing billions in an LRT system that wasn't worth it. Les contribuables d'Ottawa investissaient des milliards dans un système qui n'en valait pas la peine. Public transit users, including my family and I, were not receiving reliable service. The city was dealing with lawsuits and a public inquiry. There was a massive, $8-billion hole in the long-range transit budget.

My goal was to do everything possible to improve LRT, increase transparency, and reduce the risk for taxpayers. And to make sure that Ottawa was treated fairly by other levels of government, that we received the same deal as cities like Toronto and Hamilton. Je voulais aussi m'assurer qu'Ottawa était traitée équitablement par les autres niveaux de gouvernement, que nous recevions le même traitement que des villes comme Toronto et Hamilton.

We're not all the way there yet, but we're making a lot of progress. In the last month alone, three big things have happened. One, we launched the new Trillium line after a much more rigorous and transparent testing process. And the results have been good so far. Two, we negotiated $180 million in transit funding from the federal government. And three, I advocated for the upload of Ottawa’s LRT. Cette mesure est la plus importante que nous puissions prendre pour résoudre nos problèmes financiers et rendre le transport en commun durable et fiable. I believe that would be the single biggest step we can take to resolve our financial challenges and make public transit sustainable and reliable. It would relieve the city of billions of dollars in costs and risk.

Je vais continuer à me battre pour obtenir la juste part d'Ottawa et à travailler fort pour protéger les contribuables et soutenir le transport en commun. I'm going to keep fighting for Ottawa's fair share, and working hard to protect taxpayers and support public transit. Thank you.

I'm sure you've heard the news that provincial leaders have promised to upload Ottawa's LRT. What does that mean exactly? First, it means Ottawa would get the same deal as other cities like Toronto, Hamilton, Mississauga, and Brampton. Cela signifie qu'Ottawa bénéficierait du même traitement que d'autres villes comme Toronto, Hamilton, Mississauga et Brampton.

It means a huge win for our transit budget, to the tune of billions of dollars in savings. Cela signifie moins de risques et plus de stabilité pour les transports en commun. It means less risk and more stability for public transit. It means OC Transpo can focus more time and energy on its plans to improve service and reliability. But just to be clear, OC Transpo would still run the train service, hire the operators, and make decisions about operations.

There's no bigger move we could make to improve our financial position and fix public transit. Il n'y a pas de meilleure décision à prendre pour améliorer notre situation financière et réparer les transports en commun. It’s not a done-deal yet, but I'm going to work hard to make sure it moves forward. It's a huge win for our city.

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