Maire Mark Sutcliffe | Priority: Francophone

Planned Priorities

Bilingualism is a source of pride for Ottawa. We are the only national capital of a G7 country that is bilingual. Our francophone community is strong and vibrant and it is critically important that Ottawa support bilingualism. The Hello | Bonjour platform outlines the following actions to support francophones and french-language services in Ottawa:

  • Affirm and work to reinforce the city's bilingualism policy that “the City of Ottawa recognizes both official languages as having the same rights, status and privileges.”

  • Increase the amount of recreational programming offered in French, which is often over-subscribed.

  • Ensure Ottawa residents have access to francophone client personnel when accessing front line services at the city of Ottawa.

  • Ensure city services, including the Ottawa Police Service and Ottawa Community Housing provide service in both French and English

  • Ensure community service agencies that are primarily funded by the City of Ottawa offer services in French where there is demand.

  • Work closely with all bilingual and francophone educational institutions to ensure they have an open door and voice at City Hall.

  • Reinforce the Francophone policies and services at the City of Ottawa by frequently meeting with local stakeholders such as ACFO:Ottawa, MIFO, Maison de la francophonie, and more

  • Engage with the French Language Services Advisory Committee at the city of Ottawa

  • Profile the 4th round of Ottawa Bilingual Funding with 38 projects from Canadian Heritage and ACFO to strengthen the bilingual character of Ottawa

  • Support city and local stakeholders in their applications to renew Canadian Heritage funding

  • Support cultural and musical festivities that include and promote francophone programming

  • Continue to provide support to the Mouvement d'implication francophone d'Orléans in their efforts to obtain funding for their new build.

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